

Shea butter is een vochtinbrengend ingrediënt dat boordevol vitamine A, E en F zit. Deze vitamines helpen de gezondheid van zowel huid als haar te behouden en ondersteunen ook genezing wanneer dat nodig is. De aanwezigheid van vitamine A, E en F in Shea Butter kan vroegtijdige veroudering helpen voorkomen door rimpels en fijne lijntjes te verminderen. Bovendien biedt vitamine F bescherming en herstel van de huid, verzacht het een ruwe of schrale huid en verbetert het de textuur van droog of beschadigd haar.
Shea Butter, hoewel geen farmaceutisch product, heeft therapeutische effecten op de huid en het lichaam door zijn vermogen om te genezen, te beschermen en te voeden.


  • Shea boter
  • Kokosnootolie
  • Aardbei Geurolie.

Alle ingrediënten zijn natuurlijk en vegan-vriendelijk.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Strawberry body butter!

Hello! Me and my family went to the Mcbain community centre market during the summer and tried a sample of this shea butter. It smelt so good I went back for another afterwards. The consistency is smooth and it melts down into an oil in your hands. It was so moisturizing and helpful with my eczema! At the stand I went to the girl I talked to looked young, maybe early 20’s? She was absolutely amazing and super helpful. This has to be my favourite body butter I’ve ever tried. It was obviously very fresh and naturally made based on the texture. Thank you Steffbutter and I hope to see you again at the market! <3

Chizoba Onyekwuluje
Love it!

Just when I thought the pineapple body butter would be my favorite, I’m really loving the strawberry! It smells amazing and it’s wonderful for my skin. Would definitely be getting some more 😊

Alliy C.
Must Get!

This one is so nice! The scent of this smells great & the shea butter feels amazing on the skin. I have sensitive skin, but this hasn't irritate my skin. I highly recommended buying this product. :)

Mary VanHeeren

This hand cream is fantastic. I have very dry hands especially in the winter and it does a good job of keeping my hands moisturized. The strawberry scent smells so good!

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